The period from September to December represent for numerous olive growers the olive harvesting time, when they can finally collect the results of their intense work in the field of the previous months. Once carried out mainly by hand, today harvesting operations are greatly facilitated by the introduction of machinery and mechanical tools which make them quick, less tiring and more effective.
The harvesting methods and the choice of the best time to detach the drupes from the branches are fundamental, as they can determine the quality of the final product: table olives or oil.
Which is the best way to carry out perfect harvesting operations? First of all, by carefully getting informed about the most suitable strategies for obtaining optimal results and then relying on those who, like Campagnola, have been collecting the experience of the most expert growers and have been translating them into efficient harvesting tools for decades.
Campagnola has been facilitating olive harvesting for decades
The role of our specialized experts is precisely to identify the needs of those who are in the field every day and to transform them into details to be integrated into our professional lines. In fact, our catalog constantly evolves, because we are convinced that we shall never stop improving. This is why we continuously add useful pluses to our proposals, which can make the operators’ days in the field easier.
Which are the main tools for a quick and really productive harvest? First of all, harvesters, which penetrate among the branches of the olive trees and, thanks to the particular oscillating movements of their prongs, comb the foliage, favoring the detachment of the drupes from the branches.
In the PROFESSIONAL Line by Campagnola, three different categories of harvesters are available, each one responding to specific needs. The electric harvesters are powered by the latest generation lithium-ion batteries, while the motorized ones, driven by internal combustion engines, have been designed to match excellent power with movement freedom, as they do not require any cables. compressors or batteries. Finally, the pneumatic models have been designed for an extremely professional use and offer excellent performance and absolute reliability.
Part of the same Campagnola line are also the hook shakers for olives, which directly act on the branches, rather than on the foliage, and offer high performance on every type of cultivar.
In the equipment of each olive grower there are also olive nets, which are fundamental both for manual and mechanized harvesting: ours are 100% Made in Italy, anti-thorn, tear-proof and available in different sizes. Placing them under the trees means preventing the fallen olives from getting scattered all around the tree and speeding up their placement into the special boxes for their transport.
A path in constant evolution
The choice of the best working tools depends on many factors, such as the type of plant and cultivation system and the chosen harvesting technique.
Whatever your options, in our catalog you can find the most advanced solutions in the sector, made with a special focus on your needs and proposed with the best quality-price-performance ratio.
In the Campagnola world, digitization and technological innovation Involve and develop a synergy among research, development and quality control, in order to ensure utmost safety and comfort to each operator.